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  • Get Your Free Enrollment Assistance

    Prime Health provides FREE assistance at every stage of your MNsure application. Our MNsure certified navigators ensure you get enrolled quickly and stay covered.
MNsure Open Enrollment: Nov. 1

Enroll with Ease Using Prime Health - Your Trusted Enrollment Partner

Healthcare Connector Agency

Prime Health is a Health Care Connector agency partnering with Healthcare organizations to provide health information and education to immigrant communities.

Get FREE MNsure Enrollment Assistance 

When it comes to health insurance, nothing else matters. Get the enrollment assistance you need for yourself and the ones who matter the most.

Prime Health provides post-insurance enrollment period assistance to individuals that enables them to navigate the healthcare system.  We provide them with information on how to keep and maintain their health coverage.

Peace of Mind During this Challenging Time 

With Prime Health you can count on getting your enrollment handled quickly and professionally. We are here to help you get enrolled. 

Prime Health's mission is to improve healthcare access to individuals and communities facing health disparities and inequities. 

Excellent Health Insurance Enrollment Services

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Prime Health staff has engaged the northwest metro area Communities in diverse ways to ensure that people looking to take advantage of the MNsure Health Insurance Program get the assistance they need to get enrolled. Our approach has been quite simple – provide enrollment assistance to the largely immigrant population that we serve within their preferred channels. Most African immigrants/refugees tend to congregate in their socio-cultural groups of origin. Being from this geographic area and this community makes it easy for us to relate to the people we assist.

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The Medical Cure program participates in student fairs in select locations. You can always Book an appointment for upcoming events. You can sign up for free alerts and reminders about registration, test preparation and more at the Cure. Feel free to bring a friend or family member to potentially stressful visits.

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Investment in your future and that of your family begins with healthcare. At Prime Health, we understand that life and work happens rather quickly and the pressures of navigating insurance enrollment can be daunting even to those who have been doing it for years. That is why we got involved in this process in the first place. 

What we offer is a seamless way for you to enroll in MNsure, choose health coverage, and protect yourself, your family, and your loved ones from unexpected medical costs with the most affordable health insurance plans. 

​​​Help ​​Us Help ​You!

Get Help Now!

We currently provide comprehensive MNsure enrollment and application assistance to everyone in need on MNsure Enrollment assistance in our Brooklyn Park office. We have been providing services to everyone in need of post-enrollment assistance, including help with responding to MNsure or Minnesota Department of Human Service (DHS) notices and life event changes.

Prime Health has put in place transparent processes for serving consumers needing MNsure services. Everyone who comes in contact with us go through an initial intake process. This process includes triaging to determine who you are and what your specific needs might be when it comes to completing an enrollment application. 
Book an Enrollment Appointment Now
Why Us? 

We are passionate about health insurance and understand rather well the intricacies and bottlenecks of navigating this process on your own. Healthcare is really about your life and those you love. 

Are you an immigrant? 

Our service is particular sensitive to the needs of immigrants and refugees who are coming from circumstances that enrollment for health insurance did not factor into their priorities. We are here to help. Let's help you today.

Are You New to this Process?

Have no fear. You are not alone. Even those who have navigated health insurance enrollment before still need help. With Prime Health, you can rest assured that your enrollment is in good hands.

Don't Know Where to Begin?

It doesn't matter what situation is right now. Getting health insurance is an investment that needs not be overemphasized. At Prime Health, our experienced navigators will get you enrolled. All you need to do is book an appointment with them!

Create a new health insurance future today. Book an appointment!

Call or text me: 612-207-8566 or better yet, fill out our online appointment form and we’ll contact you.

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